租賃條款 Lease Terms


  • 船隻只可在香港水域內航行,否則船主有權拒絕開船。
  • 登船人數不得超過交易時議定之人數。
  • 所有船隻之行駛時間最多為 4 小時 (租用 8 小時計)。
  • 租賃人如有音響器材,必須預先通知本公司,否則船長有權拒絕登船。
  • 安全起見,所有船隻均不准跳舞、不准燒烤,上層不准跳水,夜間不准游泳,不准攜帶違禁物品登船。
  • 乘客如在船上吸食違禁毒品及違例者,船家有權立刻終止當日活動,另本公司將不作任何賠償。
  • 如因天氣轉變或安全理由,船主有權決定選擇較安全的航線及地點登岸。
  • 租賃人要確保船上所有物品及附帶設施,由有關指定人仕依據使用守則或法例操作使用,如因違反以上條款而導至任何財物及設施受損、遺失、或造成任何傷亡,租賃人要自行負責賠償該等損毀及責任。
  • 如出航前發生機件故障,又未能及時修復,租賃人可以選擇改期或以相同等級之船隻代替或退還訂金。
    如選擇退款,除全數退回外,本公司將另加已收款項之 5% 作為失誤之補償。
  • 如航行中發生機件故障,船長將盡其所能送客回航,但如使用時間已逾租用時間之一半 或 已經抵達目的地,恕不另行補期。但如使用時間未逾租用時間之一半而補期,不論租賃於平日或假日亦只可改為同年度之平日使用 或 按比例退還租船金額。
  • 在確定租船的日子後,租賃人須先付 70% 的訂金。
  • 在交易日期前一個月,租賃人須付餘下所有費用。租賃人在確認租用船隻而繳付訂金後,不論任何原因而取消船期,所繳付之訂金將一概不獲退還,作為本公司之行政費用。
  • 所有船隻均已按照香港法例購有法例規定之各項保險,任何乘客攜來之財物,應自行負責其本身之安全保障,於船上如有失竊,本公司恕不負責,但可代為安排報警處理。於出租船上發生任何損傷或意外,如因本公司或其代理或其任何職員之疏忽引致受損,租賃人可依據保險條款作出應有之責任申請賠償。
  • 我們本著以服務忠誠、處事小心及細心、價錢合理為服務宗旨。並以提供安全航導建議,各類水上活動指引,及著重高質素之服務為目標,當然一切也以香港法律為依歸。


  1. 如出航前懸掛一號風球或紅色暴雨警告、或出航前兩小時如由較高風球改為一號風球及黑色暴雨警告改為紅色暴雨警告,船將會繼續開航,租賃人應與船主保持密切聯絡。
  2. 若於出航日早上七時或開航前仍懸掛三號風球或以上或黑色暴雨警告,當日行程,請與船主保持聯絡,另行商議。如要求退款,本公司將退回船租(全數)之 50%。
  3. 於租用時間內,旅途中轉掛三號風球,依海事條例及安全起見,船主有權提早回航,餘下時間將不作補償。
  4. 若因三號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告關係改期,如租用於假日者,船期只可改於本年內之平日或同年十月份或以後相同之週末或假日,一切延期事項,必須於一週內與船主確定,否則作自動放棄所有權利論。
    如要求退款,本公司將退回船租(全數)之 50%。

Lease Terms

  • The chartered boat shall only be travelled within the Hong Kong voyage boundaries; otherwise, the captain of the boat has the right to refuse starting the boat. Speed boat activities shall only be launched within the boundaries set up by the Marine Department.
  • The number of people who board the boat may not exceed the limit according to the agreement.
  • The maximum sailing time of the chartered boat each time is 4 hours. (The chartered time is 8 hours)
  • If the Charterer has large-size audio equipment, the Charterer must inform to the boat company in advance; otherwise, the captain may refuse the boarding.
  • For the safety reason, no dancing, no barbeque, no diving on the upper deck, no swimming in the evening time and no prohibited items are allowed to board.
  • If passengers take drugs or offend rules on the boat, the captain and the company has the right to cancel all on going activities. However, the company will not compensate for such reason.
  • If there is a change in the weather or for safety reasons, the captain of the boat has the right to choose a safer route to a destination and safer location to dock. The charterers must embark and disembark at the same pier. If special arrangements have to be made, they must be discussed beforehand with this company.
  • Passengers must take the responsibility themselves for ensuring the safety of any property which they bring along. If there is loss of property on the boat, this company will not be held responsible.
  • If there is a machine disorder before the boat starts its journey and repair cannot be made on time, this company will, as soon as possible, notify the charterer to change the date, or provide a boat similar to the type of boat chartered as a substitute or refund the deposit.
    If the customer chooses a refund of the deposit, then in addition to the deposit, the company will add 5% of the sum already received as compensation for the mishap.
  • Any party which charters a boat must pay 70% of the fee in advance as deposit after the settlement of the charter date.
  • Every kind of insurance stipulated by law has been arranged for all of the boats in accordance with the ordinances of Hong Kong. Passengers must take the responsibility themselves for ensuring the safety of any property which they bring along. If there is loss of property on the boat, this company will not be held responsible, but can arrange for reporting the matter to the police and dealing with it on behalf of the passengers. If any damage, injury or accident occurs on the chartered boat and if the damage is caused by the negligence of this company or its agents or any of its staff, the charterer can submit an application for compensation for liability that should be borne on the basis of the insurance provisions.

Terms and conditions for bad weather and Tropical Typhoon Signal:

  1. If, before the setting out, Tropical Typhoon Signal No.1 or the Red Rainstorm Warning are hoisted, or if, 2 hours prior to the setting out, a higher Tropical Typhoon Signal is changed to Signal No.1, Black Rainstorm is changed to Red Rainstorm, the journey shall be continued, the Charterer shall remain in contact with the captain.
  2. If Tropical Typhoon Signal No.3 or higher or the Black Rainstorm Warning are still hoisted at 7:00 am or before setting out on the day of sailing, the Charterer shall remain in contact with the captain. If a refund is demanded, this company will refund 50% of the fee.
  3. During the time the boat is chartered the Tropical Typhoon Signal No.3 is hoisted while sailing, the captain of the boat has the right to return to the pier early in accordance with the marine ordinances and for reasons of safety. No compensation will be made for the remaining unused time.
  4. The Charterer can postpone the trip only in the case of black rainstorm warning or No. 3 Tropical Typhoon Signal, but can only be rescheduled on weekday or weekend (After October), no holiday can be made for the reschedule. Otherwise, all rents that have been paid will not be refunded. If a refund is demanded, this company will refund 50% of the fee.